Monthly Archives: April 2013

The Void

Sincere apologies about the lack of posts here lately. School has been keeping me kinda busy; I haven’t had much time to think, much less post anything. Once I’m able to get some of my assigned work done in a blitz of frantic accomplishment, I’ll have some more freedom to work on my blog.

Thanks for your patience!

Light It Up Blue!


April is Autism Awareness Month – today being World Autism Awareness Day specifically – so it’s a very special day for me and my family. I’ve decided to tweet out autism facts for the entire month because not many people are aware of exactly how strongly autism permeates our society today. Autism affects so many people that it’s hard to find someone who’s life is not touched by autism in some way.


The signs aren’t always this obvious.

Most people choose to spread awareness through the “Light It Up Blue” movement. Support has been outstanding and overwhelming. Over 40,000 people have committed to raising awareness for autism by joining in. Many landmarks around the world have been bathed in blue light to bring attention to the cause. My wife is doing her best by turning just about any part of her body blue that will cooperate – her hair, her nails, even her toes (you can thank Raynauds for that). Not sure how blue became the color of choice, but my wife sure is happy about it.


Some of the best things in the universe come in blue.

So I encourage you to join in and Light It Up Blue for the month of April! Let the world know that Autism is something to be embraced, not to fear or run from. Awareness is the first step towards acceptance; let’s take that first step together.